raulmelladoa Raúl Mellado
Popular articles by raulmelladoa
How to create an online community with WordPress (and make a profit from it)
Today I was looking for a way to create an online community (and make a profit). In the past, I always used BuddyPress, but I always encountered some limitations, so I was very happy when I found BuddyBoss! They offer a theme + a plugin that improve all the social stuff you can find in
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Spy Hero – The best spy tool for affiliate marketers
Today I want to tell you about the best Spy Tool for affiliate marketers. It’s called Spy Hero and you can find all the info at spyhero.com
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Niche site vs Authority Site
When it comes to building a site, you can take 2 main routes: Niche Site Authority Site Let’s look into them: Niche Site This is usually a smaller site, targeting a small number of keywords. There is no clear definition, but I’d say it’s a site that has from 2 to 15 different pages with
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IM Newbie (by Kevin Fahey) review: a very detailed, high quality, newbie friendly course that gets everything covered.
When people ask me what the best course to get started online is, my initial response is not to point them to some expensive training. Side note: It really makes me sick when I see the so called gurus offering their 5k-and-above training for people who are just starting out. And not because the content
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How to Speed up your WordPress Site
Many people have shown interest in speeding up their WordPress site, so I’m writing a detailed guide on how to do that. But first, why is speed important? Well, two main reasons: Google ranks fast websites higher (higher rank = more visitors = more sales [most of the time]) Speed increases visitor satisfaction and decreases
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My Goals for 2017 (and how they can impact you)
I was supposed to write this post on jan 1st, but you know how life can get in the way :-/ I did my yearly review for 2016 and didn’t turn out to be a bad year. On the family side, my daughter celebrated her first birthday, and despite having a baby, we managed to
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How (and why) to block categories in Adsense
If you were to manually add ads to your website (banners, text ads, etc), you would have full control over all the ads that would appear, since you would be creating all the ads manually. The thing with Adsense is that you have no choice over the ads that will appear on your website… or
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EmailFindr Review
Hi, this is my first product review in over a year. I want to keep working on my video skills, so here is the result. The product is called EmailFindr, and it can help you find the e-mail address (and other social properties) from a specific person. The only thing you need is their name and
All articles by raulmelladoa
Spy Hero – The best spy tool for affiliate marketers
Today I want to tell you about the best Spy Tool for affiliate marketers. It’s called Spy Hero and you can find all the info at spyhero.com
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How to create an online community with WordPress (and make a profit from it)
Today I was looking for a way to create an online community (and make a profit). In the past, I always used BuddyPress, but I always encountered some limitations, so I was very happy when I found BuddyBoss! They offer a theme + a plugin that improve all the social stuff you can find in
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IM Newbie (by Kevin Fahey) review: a very detailed, high quality, newbie friendly course that gets everything covered.
When people ask me what the best course to get started online is, my initial response is not to point them to some expensive training. Side note: It really makes me sick when I see the so called gurus offering their 5k-and-above training for people who are just starting out. And not because the content
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Everything you need to be successful online (hint: it’s not that much, actually)
For the past months (I’d say since I started writing to my e-mail list and working on this blog), I’ve been getting questions from people who would like to have a successful online business, but don’t know where to start. Some people are looking to quit their jobs; some are just looking for an extra
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EmailFindr Review
Hi, this is my first product review in over a year. I want to keep working on my video skills, so here is the result. The product is called EmailFindr, and it can help you find the e-mail address (and other social properties) from a specific person. The only thing you need is their name and
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Sunday motivation: don’t quit!
I think this poem sums it up, so I have nothing else to add today: When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing
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What are Adsense experiments and how you can learn from them?
We all love to experiment new things, right? I have good news for you, if you agree with that above. You can also experiment with Adsense. That sounds fun, right? So what exactly are Adsense experiments? Maybe you were picturing yourself mixing substances in a lab, or something like that… Sorry to disappoint! With Adsense
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How (and why) to block categories in Adsense
If you were to manually add ads to your website (banners, text ads, etc), you would have full control over all the ads that would appear, since you would be creating all the ads manually. The thing with Adsense is that you have no choice over the ads that will appear on your website… or
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If you don’t even know where to start…
I regularly get questions from my readers asking “Raul, I want to be a successful internet marketer, but I don’t even know where/how to start”. Well, let me tell you, we all have been there. I’ve wasted countless hours (and dollars) trying to learn the basics, setting up a simple website and/or “fighting” with my autoresponder.
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March 2017 Income Report
In my previous income report I told you how my first 2 months of the year had gone by without having a clear strategy. It took me a whole extra month to get back on track. I needed to find some time, sit down alone and plan the whole year. And that has made a big
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Doing a live case study
My initial idea was to do a live case study setting up an Adsense site (since I consider it one of the easiest ways to get started making money online, as you don’t need to do anything), but I found out about this super-cheap yet great product called WP Funnel Profits so I thought we could
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A very simple way to sell your first product (for under 10 bucks)
I’ve had this question asked multiple times: How do I get started and make my first dollar online? And my answer is always the following, something along the lines of: First, set up a small niche site and put Adsense ads (no need to sell anything). When you have mastered step 2, add some affiliate
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Sunday Motivation: The Space Race and your Online Marketing success Race
The other day a friend came to visit, and he told me a story that I’m beginning to doubt it’s 100% accurate (I’ve tried googling to no avail), but hey, let’s assume it’s true since I really enjoyed it and I think it’s a great story anyway 😉 Apparently, in the space race, the United
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Where to find good (and free) information about Google Adsense
In the past, I’ve talked about great courses about Google Adsense. However, since most of them are paid (aside from Optimizing Adsense, which is 100% free) and we all like free, here are some great resources where you can learn some tricks and you don’t even need to pull out your credit card: The Official Adsense
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How to spy on your “Adsense” competition (and avoid being spied on)
Maybe you think that spying is something for the movies, but trust me, it’s something we all do in the Online Marketing world. And spying does not necessarily mean being a “copycat”, ie, copying/duplicating something you see from your competition. I prefer the word “inspiration”. You can check WHAT others are doing, learn WHY they are doing
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How to avoid spam in your WordPress Site
Spammers, spammers, we all hate them. They will register in your website, add comments with ugly links… But hey, they are just doing their job, right? Now it’s your job to stop them! Here are some tips to avoid all kinds of spam in your blog. Disable user registration (if it’s not a need). Go to
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Why Adsense is not dead
I’ve been hearing it for years “Google Adsense is dead”. And the reason people say that is this: a few years back, it was so easy to set up a new site, throw a bunch of poorly written articles, get a few backlinks, and rank it in a matter of days. Then you just added
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The best Adsense courses
When it comes to Adsense, there are not so many courses around (at least, not too many good ones). It was a much more popular topic in the past, but since interest has moved over to other aspect of Online Marketing (Social Media, etc), the information about Adsense has diminished. Here are some guides where
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How many Adsense Ad Units can I add to my site? (2017 edition)
In the past, there was a limit on the number of ads you could place on a single page: 3 ads for content units 3 ads for link units However, in august 2016, Google updated their policy (read about it here). To sum up, if you don’t want to read too much, the new idea
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My favourite quote of all time
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain This pretty much sums up what I tend to think
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The best tools for Keyword Research
When it comes to finding great keywords for your website (it does not matter if it’s going to be an Adsense website, Amazon… or even your own store), you need to do proper keyword research. To do this, you will need to use a proper tool; some of them are free, others are paid. Here is
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The Most Important Skill for an Internet Marketer
If you google things like “online marketing skills”, “digital marketing skills”, etc. you will find things like HTML Web Design PPC Social Media Video Marketing SEO Community Marketing Analytics Content Marketing Email Marketing Copywriting etc. However, in my opinion, there is a skill that overshadows any of those: The Ability to Learn and Adapt Why? Because you
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Are you grateful about what you have today?
I usually leave the mindset and motivation posts for sunday, but today I was listening to a podcast where Lewis Howes interviews Tony Robbins and Tony asked Lewis a question: Do you focus mostly on what you have, or on what you DON’T have? And I think this is a very powerful question. If you focus on
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Marketing 101: What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM)
Sometimes, the simplest ideas are the easiest to overlook. These days we are bombarded with everything: information, ads, products… So you get a small chance to attract a visitor, whether you are using an ad, or driving someone to your website. You get 5 precious seconds in which the potential visitor / customer will decide if he/she
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My next project, a viral page
This week I started a new project: a viral page (in spanish). What is a “viral page”? Hard to describe, but in my mind, it’s a page that depends on social/viral traffic (as opposed to SEO). So it will be full of “trigger-happy” stories, hoping that people will share them on Facebook/Twitter. The idea is
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Which products should you promote as an affiliate?
So you already know how to find products to promote. Great! However, you must have realized by now that there are literally millions of things to promote. So how do you choose where to start? In my opinion, there are 2 approaches to it Follow your passion Follow the money Follow your passion The great
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Motivational Sunday: How to force yourself to take action (this time for real)
The other day I was going for a walk and listened to this podcast (the title catched my attention). I had never heard about Mel Robbins, but after listening to the podcast I purchased her book “The 5 Second Rule” (not to be confused with the other “5 second rule”, which states that if you
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I want to be a super affiliate, where can I find products to promote?
Once you decide you want to promote affiliate products, comes the next question: what should I promote? Luckily, there are products to promote in almost any niche, so you don’t even need to have your own product to make money (after you master the niche, you will make more money if you decide to create
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Why SEO traffic is not free traffic
There seems to be this understanding in the Online Marketing community that you can have either paid traffic or SEO traffic, the later being free. And while it’s true that once you are ranking for a specific keyword, you don’t need to pay for that traffic, that does not mean that getting there was all
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A more complex, yet more profitable way to make money online
Yesterday I wrote about a very simple way to make money. However, that was a bit of a “machinegun” approach, meaning you shoot everywhere without aiming. If you want to try something similar, but better, try this instead: Focus on one niche, learn about what sells, what kind of problems the potential customers have, etc. Then
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A very simple way to make money online
Today I wanted to share with my readers a super-simple strategy to earn money online. It’s called “direct linking via PPC“. What does this mean? Let me explain with a simple example: Let’s say there is a company called “Papazon” (I already check, it does not exist) that sells, among other things, laptops. For example,
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Some of the Highest AdSense Earners websites worldwide
In case you are looking for some inspiration, here are some of the top revenue generating websites in the world. I’m not writing this so you can copy everything they are doing: as always, look for inspiration but develop your unique approach. However, nothing stops you from checking their ad placements, colors, keywords… You can be sure
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Where to find writers for your site?
When it comes to adding content to your site, you have basically 4 options (well, actually 5, you could also copy/steal content, but that is probably going to take you nowhere): Write your own content Hire a writer Use a content creation service Have guest blogging Let’s have a look at the options 1. Write
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Do you have the courage to launch your own business online?
Courage is not the absence of fear It was just a few days ago that it dawned on me. If you do something and you are not afraid of it, that is not courage. Courage means acting in spite of fear. I always thought that people who try extraordinary things were not afraid, since that
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How to create a Forum with WordPress and monetize it with Google Adsense
If you are building a community site and think that it might benefit from having a forum, this could be a great thing, and the main reason is that you don’t need to create any content, other users will do it for you! The only thing you need is to keep them engaged, posting regularly and
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Everything you need to know about Adsense Arbitrage
This is the definition of Arbitrage: Arbitrage is the practice of taking advantage of price differences between markets So for example, if you could buy an iPhone in Canada for $600 and sell it in the USA for $700, you are practicing arbitrage. Applied to Adsense, the idea is this: you are going to pay for
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Top 10 Adsense alternatives
In my opinion, Google Adsense is the best paying advertising solution for your site. It has the highest number of advertisers, and the bids are usually higher than in any other network. However, it is not the only solution. Here are some reasons why you might want to use another alternative: You like testing Your Adsense
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What is Adsense Smart Pricing and how to avoid it?
Back in april 2004, Google introduced what they call “Smart Pricing”. Before that, advertisers had to pay their bid price for each click, regardless of whether they made money (ie, a sale) from that click, which means some of them were receiving tons of clicks, but not so many sales. So, in order to avoid
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What is Adsense for Search?
When you think about Google Adsense, probably the first thing that comes into mind is the typical text or image ad. But there is another way to earn money from Google Adsense: adding a search box to your site. How does it work? With the code you get from Adsense, you will add a custom search
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What is Keyword Research and why is it so important?
This is Wikipedia’s definition: Keyword research is a practice search engine optimization (SEO) professionals use to find and research actual search terms that people enter into search engines. Search engine optimization professionals research keywords, which they use to achieve better rankings in search engines. The only thing I disagree with that definition is the part
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7 Online Marketing Blogs I follow (and 3 podcasts)
Blogs Niche Pursuits (by Spencer Haws) I have been following Spencer for years. When I got started with Online Marketing, I was focused on building niche sites; tons of information about that in here. Spencer is the creator of Long Tail Pro and Long Tail University. Smart Passive Income (by Pat Flynn) Full of great
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Niche site vs Authority Site
When it comes to building a site, you can take 2 main routes: Niche Site Authority Site Let’s look into them: Niche Site This is usually a smaller site, targeting a small number of keywords. There is no clear definition, but I’d say it’s a site that has from 2 to 15 different pages with
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What you need to build a successful Adsense site
Here are the 3 parts of the equation involved: Keyword Research One of the most important. Two reasons: Since you are aiming to rank your site at the very top of Google, you will need a keyword (or ideally more) that you can rank more or less easily. As we saw before, different keywords have different
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January-February income report
This is my very first income report, so I’m not sure how I should structure it. Following the Ready, Fire, Aim, I’ll do a version 1 and will improve in the near future. January and February have been a bit hectic for me, and pretty much out of focus. It’s taken me 2 months to
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The best Adsense ad sizes
When choosing your ad size, you have multiple options, but what are the best ones to use and why? According to the official Adsense website, these are the top performing ad sizes: On desktop: 336×280 large rectangle 300×250 medium rectangle 728×90 leaderboard 300×600 half page On mobile: 320×100 large mobile banner Aside from those, there
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10 Adsense Mistakes to avoid at all costs
In previous articles I talked about things to do with Adsense. Here are some of the things you should NOT do: If you want to get your account alive, don’t… Click on your own ads This will only earn you a few dollars at the most and, if you get caught by the big G, you
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The Top 6 WordPress themes for Adsense
Here is a list of some of the best optimized Adsense Themes. However, and before I start, let me clarify something: there is no doubt that having a good, optimized theme helps improving your CTR. But bear in mind there are still many factors for having a successful adsense niche: the quality of the traffic, the
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How to get a high EPC in Adsense
EPC or Earnings Per Click is a simple idea: how much you make (on average) every time someone clicks on one of your ads. So that means you want to have a high EPC. Let’s see some tricks / ideas on how to get more money: Target the right niche / keywords Some niches pay
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The best niches / keywords for Adsense
Not all niches pay the same in Adsense, and the reason is simple. If advertisers are willing to pay more per click, that means they expect to make more money per click/visitor. Here is a list of some of the best paying niches: Insurance Mortgages Health Tecnhology Donation based blogs Forex / trading So that
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What is CTR, how to increase it, and why is it important for you?
Click Through Rate (or CTR) is one these things you have to keep checking, like the oil in your car. What is CTR? In a nutshell, if your ad unit is displayed 100 times, and visitors click on it 5 times, your CTR is 5%. If you want to get a bit techie, here is the formula: